Kim Hyun Joong: Sincere Angel

Kim Hyun Joong, living in a world where manipulation and self-serving motives are the norm, continues to maintain his honesty, integrity, and purely loving heart, as demonstrated in his own words. Combing through every interview transcript and video with english subs I could get my hands on, I have come to the conclusion that he loves his work, his heart remains sincere toward his fans, and he puts forth a face of honesty and integrity when he is called upon to share what is inside his mind. Following are my impressions on the collections of interviews and real world interactions from the Angel of the East: Kim Hyun Joong.

Hyun Joong is always smiling and open when being interviewed.

After reading and watching multiple interviews and clips, I have come to several conclusions.  First, Kim Hyun Joong is honest.  I really don’t believe he is capable of a lie or deception.  He is so frank, people are taken by surprise, and usually laugh hard at his bold comments because they are so shocked they don’t know what else to do.  Every interview has a moment like this where Hyun Joong has said something shocking and everyone busts up laughing.  He usually pauses briefly before answering questions which shows he is sincerely considering his answer rather than spouting off something pre-rehearsed.  Sometimes he takes even longer than a moment to think a question over indicating he is giving it some real thought before answering to make sure he is able to communicate what he really thinks.

His body language is always open and inviting.  His voice is always soft and steady.  He refers to himself in the first person saying “I” feel this or do this.  He maintains good eye contact, alertness, and good posture with arms resting comfortably at his sides even if he is holding a microphone.  He does not appear to be nervous in any way with no fidgeting or constantly crossing and uncrossing legs or arms.  He sits quietly and remains alert and engaged with the person giving the interview.  He never gives the tell tale signs of a lie.  If you are unfamiliar with what those are, check it out here:

Hyun Joong waits for the next question…

Secondly, Hyun Joong has a sincere and deep love for his fans.  He usually mentions them several times, whether it is thanking them for their love and support, or revealing the special things he has done or wants to do for them.  The handshake fan meetings would be an example of one of those loving gestures.  He mentions this in his interview in Thailand after performing his debut concert there for Summer 2012.  He assured the Thai fans of his deep appreciation and promises to visit them each year if it is within his capability.  Notice he used the word visit.  If he were only interested in performances and success, he would have said he would hold a concert each year or that he would include them in his tour.

How cute are the snacks Hyun Joong prepared for his fans. There’s even a drink in each package. I WANT ONE TOO! ^^

No, Hyun Joong actually wants to visit his fans.  He wants to greet each one individually and shake their hand as a gesture of thankfulness and love.  When he is asked about reasons for this project or that one, he almost always says he is doing it to give back to his fans.  He will mention again how he must work hard and constantly improve himself to earn their love and support.  Now that I know him as a fan, I will love and support him no matter what.  He doesn’t have to work himself to the grave for that.  I appreciate him as a whole artist, but I include Hyun Joong as a human being in that love and support as well.  He has to do nothing but just be himself, and I will love him forever.  I have not even been a participant in any of these fan meetings where he shook hands with the entire crowd.  I only heard about these gestures, and he has my heart for a lifetime.  He is who he is and does what he does.  That is completely enough for me.

“All the while I am very touched by everybody’s love and support towards me, therefore in order to express my heartfelt thankfulness, I have decided to shake hand with every fans who come to the venue.” —Kim Hyun Joong

Hyun Joong patiently answers questions at the premier of HEAT.

Finally, Kim Hyun Joong truly loves what he is doing.  I did a whole article on this in Kim Hyun Joong:  Vision of an Angel.  He does not do this for the power rush, the money, the success, or the admiration and recognition.  All of those things have come to him because he is passionate about what he is doing.  He has said that music will be with him until he dies.  He loves it and could not live without making music as an expression of his artistic vision.  He is pursuing acting at this time because he loves it only secondly to music.  He enjoys becoming a character and protraying it for the audience so they can experience it with him.  He is truly talented at doing this as seen in the latest still from City Conquest where he is hugging Jung Yumi.  The look on his face is full of emotion, and as I look at it, my heart is breaking open for whatever his character Baek Mir is going through to cause such an expression.  He has accomplished his goal with just a photo.  I can’t wait to watch the drama and experience the entire story.

Please, Hyun Joong, you’re killing me. I am crying while writing this caption! *sniff* *sniff*

Some naysayers might conclude that Hyun Joong is just putting on a show in all of his appearances whether they be concerts, dramas, tours, or live interviews, to further his career. Even to the point of doubting his sincerity and saying he is only maintaining his healthy and positive image to gain fans and attention in the industry. There are some who even make up allegations of romance and claim Hyun Joong is hiding the truth to protect his career. There may be some entertainers who do this. Who adopt an image and are so engrossed in it, they hide the truth to keep the public from changing their minds about them. These types always get caught in their deceptions sooner or later. If Hyun Joong was hiding something, we would have known by now. There is simply no basis for any of these claims, and I feel they are malicious and spread out of jealousy by fans of other stars or even by those who claim to be Hyun Joong’s fans just to have something juicy to talk about.

I think the funniest allegation I came across was that Hyun Joong had plastic surgery on his nose. I could not find anything to substantiate that claim, but the story was that he had an injury playing soccer and had plastic surgery to correct it. Well, my response is so what? I don’t think it was to further his career in any way. If he had an injury that needed correction, it was just that. Honestly, like Kim Hyun Joong needs to have plastic surgery to improve his looks? For real? Get a life, people. He was already beautiful as a baby and young child. He has the same deep, soulful, intelligent eyes. The same naturalness in front of the camera as we can see in his baby pictures. He does not need to change a thing to be the Most Handsome Man in Korea. The award was well deserved, if you can say someone deserves an award for what is God given! LOL!

The other axe grinding through the rumor mill is the idea that somehow Kim Hyun Joong and Hwangbo Hyejeong, better known as simply Hwangbo, are in a secret romance that started on We Got Married and has somehow continued (without any proof whatsoever) behind the scenes these past 4 years. The accusations are flying in the Hwangbo camp that Hyun Joong is hiding her because it would hurt his success and that she is somehow accepting his wish for privacy because she is a good and submissive woman. OMO OMO OMO! Kurechi? Really? Why have we not seen even one photo of the two of them together (unless it is an obviously doctored photoshop job by those who are either jokesters or honestly wishing there would be some proof) or heard nary a word from Hyun Joong?  In one interview, he did elude to a woman with whome he shared a romantic encounter that he felt in his heart was destiny. This was the inspiration for the song Kiss Kiss.  He does not reveal her name, but states it is a Korean woman. I believe it is someone he carried a torch for who is not capable of being with him for whatever reason. (Hard to imagine a woman telling him ‘no,’ I KNOW! But, it could be for any number of reasons.)

Hyung Joong’s latest leading lady Jung Yumi. They look very comfortable together. Does it mean they’re really dating? No, they are professionals.

“At that time, I did not like keeping our relationship a secret. So I would often go out with her for movies and meals.  I’m the kind of person who will put everything I have into a relationship. I also believe in love at first sight. If I like someone, I won’t hide my feelings. I will chase the girl passionately.” —Kim Hyun Joong

Could it be Hwangbo? Very unlikely. The truth is, I would not even know the name Hwangbo if it weren’t for WGM and her association with Kim Hyun Joong. Her career was already becoming historic when they did WGM together. Not that she is not worthy of success. The hard facts in the business are this: If you do not get exposure, you do not succeed. It is harder for an older star to keep themselves in the public eye. It is just a fact. If she were in fact in a relationship with Kim Hyun Joong, it would be to her advantage and impossible to hide. His popularity and visibility are too much. Really? Would she never be in his car when he travels to and from his engagements? Would she never have talked to him on the phone and someone overheard? Honestly, I would break up with him in a heartbeat if he was my man and either he was hiding me to advance his career, or our relationship would truly destroy it if it was found out. If she really loves him, she’d either be around him or break it off if their association would be detrimental to him. Which, by the way, I don’t believe it would. His fans would be fine with it as long as he was truly happy with her.

I am a supporter of Kim Hyun Joong. Not just a supporter, but a silent partner, a true friend. I don’t know him like a close friend, of course. I have no interaction with him on a personal level. But, from the public appearances and interviews I have witnessed, I have had a glimpse inside his heart. It is a sincere and true heart. When you love and support someone, you simply believe in them. There is nothing more important to a loved one than trust. Men are especially in need of a woman who gives them this simple type of love. Just support them in their endeavors to achieve success, and believe in their capability. In another interview, Hyun Joong stated that he wrote and sang Marry Me/Marry You for his fans. He just wants us to love and believe in him. I, for one, do truly love and support him.  I will never doubt the sincerity or capabilites of Kim Hyun Joong: Angel of the East.

Marry Me/Marry You

I Promise That Moment I Swear (I swear on this moment)
Please accept my heart
This is a love song for you

Photo Sources:

Interview Sources: video with english subs

16 thoughts on “Kim Hyun Joong: Sincere Angel

  1. […] Kim Hyun Joong: Sincere Angel. Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. By ohcheonsa • Posted in Uncategorized 0 […]

  2. ohcheonsa says:

    testing comments

  3. Hi nice writing! 🙂 I Probably sound a bit gay~but I love reading things regarding hyun joongs love/date/relationships etc. I just can’t help it! Regarding the WGM I’ve sometimes had thoughts like ‘Where has Hwangbo gone off to? Did she exit the fame without anyone knowing? Is she still signed with any companies? Did she go off to do charity stuff? and not once have I thought Hyunjoong was hiding her~and this may sound rude but I don’t think both of them will date in real life anyway~

  4. ohcheonsa says:

    why would that sound strange? (I prefer this word to ‘gay’ :D) Of course we are curious about his love life! Some may feel a twinge of jealousy when he finally finds the girl he wants to be with, but ultimately, as his fans, we want him to be happy and will celebrate with him when the time comes. IF it comes… he has talked about his future and states he will probably be single until he is 50 because he has so many career plans and does not believe he can manage both career and a serious relationship! So sincere, Hyun Joong! LOL! Oh well, I’m sure there will still be plenty of options for him even if he is 50 and looking! HAA! HAA!

  5. Don’t say that! If he plans to marry at 50~I’ll be 42 then too old la 😉

  6. ohcheonsa says:

    So, stay single! And then make sure you are around him when he turns 50! Dream a little dream with me! LOL! 😀

  7. Tyran violet says:

    My prince,KHJ,will be always in my mind.I think it’s the reflection of love.He deeply loves his fans and they do love him also.It will continue until the world disappears!!! oppa fighting!!

  8. Htet Htet says:

    I love Kim Hyun Joong

  9. missauditor says:

    I was looking for Marry Me/You translation and came across this post. As one of limited hwangbo’s fan, I would like to ask further on this statement “The accusations are flying in the Hwangbo camp that Hyun Joong is hiding her because it would hurt his success and that she is somehow accepting his wish for privacy because she is a good and submissive woman”.

    Which Hwangbo camp were you talking about? Daum? Naver? Soompi? Cyworld? Twitter? Facebook? Because I am everywhere there but I didn’t see this rumors flying around there. Please give me link so i can check and whack those people who spread this ugly rumors about my angel.

    FYI, Kim Hyun Joong & Hwangbo couple’s supporters are called Joongbo or Ssangchu. Similar to Kim Hyun Joong’s fans, not all Hwangbo’s fan fancy of the pairing. Therefore, I seek your assistance to amend your perspective.

    If anybody is curious what is Hwangbo up to these days, please visit At the moment she’s too busy to babysit anyone.

    Thank you.

    • angeljoong86 says:

      hmmm… you know… I wrote this over a year ago when I was a new KHJ fan. I had read a comment either on a blog or twitter and asked a veteran fan what hwangbo was all about. I either read it in a comment or that veteran fan told me. So, it’s really in the past and I don’t remember. I have moved on. I have a webpage for my blog now at I have learned not to touch this sore spot regarding Kim Hyun Joong as I don’t care for the arguing. Thanks for your concern of accuracy. I am always concerned over that as well and take a long time to write my current articles to make sure I have not misunderstood anything or anyone. I apologize if you felt misunderstood or offended.

  10. missauditor says:

    you were saying, “I wrote this over a year ago when I was a new KHJ fan. I had read a comment either on a blog or twitter and asked a veteran fan what hwangbo was all about. I either read it in a comment or that veteran fan told me. So, it’s really in the past and I don’t remember. I have moved on”.

    god bless you, you moved on. but this article is like a legacy u left behind. some other new fans will come across this post and spread the same perspective about MY ANGEL HWANGBO. with that reason i express my earlier post and also this post. thank you for approving my comments. as long as you leave your post here, please let my comments appear as well to clarify the wrong.

    first, hwangbo is hwangbo. her fans are her fans. even ssangchu fans are her fans. from hwangbo’s personality, although wgm was her past, i believe hwangbo loves all her fans including ssangchu fans. in fact, i don’t think hwangbo can hate her anti-fans.

    if you don’t know her personality you can judge it here: (if everything else is too much, please only read this one)

    after you read those, maybe you are more amazing person than her. but not me. she’s my life idol. she thought me a lot about life. and i believe her limited fans always stand by her side for the same reason. i can say she’s like our mom, our older sister. do you think i allow anybody to talk bad about my family? my mother? my sister? no! i am not!

    in the future, i seek your understanding to properly separate MY ANGEL HWANGBO and her fans. her fans’ perspective or thought or rumours, never represent her thought, opinion or personality.

    i am crying when i am typing this. i am telling you about it not to gain sympathy. but because i love MY ANGEL HWANGBO so much and she totally doesn’t deserve this. if anyway i am handling this matter it hurts you, it’s all on me and not related to MY ANGEL HWANGBO at all. again, thank you.

    • angeljoong86 says:

      I am glad you are so faithful to support Ms. Hwangbo so well. I understand how you feel as I have the same feelings for Kim Hyun Joong. I am defensive when I feel someone has misunderstood him. As I said, I have moved on from this time and grown in my knowledge and wisdom. When I referred to ‘hwangbo camp’ in this post, I really meant ‘joongbo.’ I don’t discuss those things anymore as Hyun Joong’s fans have moved on from that debate. There are still die hard ‘joongbo’ supporters… however, the places I go to get information on Hyun Joong don’t support that sect. I am truly sorry if you felt I was further perpetuating an issue that has been settled by both stars. They have both moved on and are doing well. Keep supporting Hwangbo with all your heart. I will keep supporting my Angel, Kim Hyun Joong as well. thanks.

      • tripleslover says:

        Thank You for your amazing article. I have been in love with Kim hyun joong for 2 years now. He introduced me to ss501 and kpop in general. I will always think he is the most handsome, loving and 4D man in the world. I don’t care how old he gets or how much he changes ( glad he hasn’t yet) I will still be his fan. I do know that he has wanted to change from his pretty boy image and I fully support him. I did read though that he did get plastic surgery because of another accident. Is this true? It doesn’t bother me though because I believe he wouldn’t do anything unless he needed it.

      • angeljoong86 says:

        I had read that he admitted to the surgery in an interview. He had some sort of accident that broke his nose. So he had it repaired. It’s apparently a big deal for celebs in s korea to have plastic surgery. He had it for a legit reason and openly admitted it. Further evidence that his character is beyond reproach in my opinion.

  11. tripleslover says:

    thank you and really I don’t think I would care whether or not it was for a legitimate reason. I’ll still like him no matter what. Thanks for your blog. I have started liking new bands and groups but I find myself still coming back to him. Waiting for ss501 to reunite but i’ll enjoy him showing a new side to himself in his solo career. I still think he should try more rock music since his voice is amazing for that.

  12. Luisa says:

    Hola, admiro a Kim Hyun Joong y a Hwangbo, luego de WGM, y puedo decir que ella fue importante para èl y èl para ella. Vi un fanmeting luego de WGM donde a él se le pregunta si le gustaba ella o las fans de SS501; a lo que contestó pùbicamente que le gustaba Hwangbo, pero, que amaba a las fans. O sea, que tampoco hay que omitir el nombre de Hwangbo cuando se habla de KHJ… hay que esperar que encuentre un amor feliz y veamos esas sonrisas y ternuras que demostró durante su matrimonio en WGM.

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